The Integron Database

Escherichia coli
Accession Number: AF550679
Source: n.m.
Journal: Antimicrob. Agents Chemother. 51 (4), 1164-1171 (2007)
Published: 02-MAR-2003
Title: Mosaic Structure of p1658/97, a 125-Kilobase Plasmid Harboring an Active Amplicon with the Extended-Spectrum -Lactamase Gene blaSHV-5
Authors: Zienkiewicz,M., Kern-Zdanowicz,I., Golebiewski,M., Zylinska,J., Mieczkowski,P., Gniadkowski,M., Bardowski,J., Ceglowski,P.
Remarks: p1658/97
Gene Product Sequence
sul1 Sul1 80472..79633
qacEdelta1 QacEdelta1 80813..80466
aadA1 AadA1 81768..80977
orfX putative protein 82693..82181
aacC1 Aac(3)-Ia 83276..82812
aacA4 AAC(6')-Ib 83984..83352
intI1 IntI1 84086..85099